Monday, April 30, 2012

Hats Galore - Day 6

Now that I'm back into crocheting, well meaning friends make requests for me to make things. One of these days I'll actually make something for myself. One of these days...Anywho, one of Sam's friends found a picture of a boob hat on the Internet and posted on Facebook that he really wanted one. I decided to try my hand at making one for Sam (I'm not particularly fond of his friend and this was a good way to get his goat as it were) and it turned out cute. I got lazy halfway through and changed my stitch pattern, which made it look a bit strange, but cute none the less. After I finished Sam's hat, his friend just HAD to have one and even begged me to make one. I gave in and thus the "boob hat" was born.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I know I posted earlier that these are too cute, but I think it would make a funny gag gift to give to a new mom...The site I saw them on had a "boob" hat on a baby who was breastfeeding - even more laughtastic!
