Friday, April 27, 2012

Blanket of Love - Day 3

We found out we were having a baby boy on July 12, 2010. That afternoon, I came home from work and got together the yarn that I had picked out to crochet a blanket for my son. It was beautiful, shades of blues and grey for an accent. I started the blanket that afternoon. A few weeks later I put it down. I was too tired from working and being pregnant to do anything after work but sleep. So there it sat, the one thing I wanted to create for my own child, sitting in a bag next to the couch. It sat and sat and sat. Then one day, as I watched my 10 month old son sleep, it dawned on me that I still hadn't finished his blanket. Over the years I have crocheted a number of gifts for a number of people, but realized that I had nothing in my home that I had created. I felt that at least one of us deserved to have something hand made just for them. So I started crocheting again. I hadn't picked up a crochet needle in over a year. But like riding a bike, it felt natural again.My goal was to have it complete by his first birthday so that I could give it to him. I worked on it after Elliot went to bed, trying my best to make some progress. Unfortunately, I had decided early on to make a rather large blanket, a task I was ready to take on when I had months to complete it. At this point, I was just going to have to crochet like the wind to complete it in time!Well, days before his 1st birthday, I completed the blanket. Sadly, my kid's not really a blanket type of guy just yet. We did use it to wrap him up when he was feeling sick a couple of months ago. There was no better feeling than snuggling with my little guy, with him wrapped in something I made.Since the blanket, I have really jumped back into crocheting. Hopefully it will last this time and hopefully I will make something for me. Until then, at least my son has something that he can look back on that his mommy hand made!

1 comment:

  1. Now I have 2 comments on this post that have gone missing. Stupid captchas.

    What I basically said is that the blanket is AWESOME! And the color scheme (and in fact the pattern) reminds me of a blanket that we had growing up that my mother made after one of her surgeries. Has Sam mentioned it. I know he loved that thing and would snuggle under it often.
    Kudos to you Carlye for making a tangible symbol of love for your son (and getting to keep something you made for once :)
