Some months ago I received an e-mail from my best friend requesting a prayer shawl in honor of her brother. The reason for the prayer shawls is as follows:
"Over two thousand rainbow scarves, created lovingly by volunteers, adorned voting members and supporters alike at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Churchwide Assembly in 2007 demonstrating support for a welcoming church. In August 2009, the ELCA meets for its next assembly. There are several proposals before the Assembly that pertain to the full inclusion of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender members and their families in the life of the church. Lutherans Concerned/North America (LC/NA) is supporting proposals addressing these issues, including the Social Statement on Human Sexuality, the rostering of partnered LGBT ministers, and the blessing of same-gender relationships.
These decisions will be met with much soul searching and prayer. To that end, LC/NA would like to provide prayer shawls to be used by participants at the assembly. These shawls will be for use in the chapel area and to remind participants to prayerfully consider every issue. LC/NA is requesting the participation of all RIC congregations to contribute at least one shawl. The shawls will be tagged with the contributing church’s name and story."
We painstakingly picked out a perfect color that would accurately depict Michael. It was a beautiful blue, which was both calming and electric. It felt wonderful to actually create something for a cause, not just for a fun gift.

Michael modeling the shawl

A closeup