It seems that I've been taking somewhat of a break from crocheting as of late. Actually, I've been stuck trying to complete a blanket for a friend's kid and I'm not that into it for some reason and am having such a hard time finishing it. Not to mention the number of projects in various states of completion. I have a blanket I started for Sam last July that has been put in a bag and forgotten about not to mention the monkey with only three appendages that is waiting for me to finish him as well. Maybe someday I'll get the bug and finish what I started.
Lots of people have asked for some of my critters but to be honest, I really haven't felt like being very creative. Not to mention that I have been focusing so much of my time on cultivating our garden that is growing and producing like crazy. But I got a request from my sister-in-law that I couldn't pass up. Yaeli, our niece, has really gotten into singing the bumble bee song - I'm sure most of you know it. (I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee. Won't my mommy be so proud of me, etc., etc., etc.). Brenda requested a bumble bee for the little one to continue to encourage her singing. After searching for the perfect pattern and trying to find the perfect yellow color for the little bee, I started work on it while in Houston visiting the in-laws. I think she liked it, she fell asleep with it later. It really didn't take me long to make it so hopefully I'll make a few more. It's hard to believe that I actually don't have any of my own creations in the house - I need to change that!

The baby bumble bee
A couple of months ago Sam brought me this beautiful notebook that his friend's wife made. In return he wanted me to make her some sort of critter for the trade. He has asked me at least every week for the critter and I continue to tell him, "yeah, I'll get to that". Well, last week I bought this book of "Easy Crochet Critters" and it had a pattern for a lion, which is something that I have wanted to make. I have a real affinity for lions (maybe I'll make one for me). Anyway, the little lion didn't take me any time at all to complete. It was hard to let it go - Sam didn't want to take it to work either. Hopefully it was enough for the trade - his friend thought it was adorable and said that his kids might steal it. Guess I'll definitely have to make some more.

Leo the Lion (minus ears - I didn't like the ears)
Now I need to get that darn blanket finished, make an elephant for Brenda and try a few more new critters for our house. My next project is a "granny square a day" to be put together for an afghan at the end of the month. Maybe I'll try for July for that project or maybe August. Anyway, enjoy the pictures of the newest critters. I still have a longhorn that is halfway complete that was started during football season (I really like to ignore my projects) - maybe I'll finish it before next football season.